My Story
Yay, I'm so honored
that you want to know more about me and my health journey, perhaps you may even relate to some of it.
So Babe, before I tell you about my health crisis I want to be completely honest with you. I have literally spent years working on and dealing with my own internal struggle with body image, recurring physical/emotional issues and a lack of self love.
Combined with YEARS of running around at a million miles an hour, working way too many hours, searching for myself then finding myself a little, over-exercising, on endless diets, in shape then out of shape, in and out of toxic relationships that didn’t serve me. I’d come to believe I was exempt from this burnout I’d once heard of, a superwoman, able to just push and push, but I wasn’t and that’s ok, because what I realised is that life is just not meant to be lived that way, we aren’t designed to go, go, go.
I used to live in a world where my life on social media was all glitz and glam. I was being paid to travel the world on a luxury yacht as a PT, pilates/yoga instructor, sounds amazing right. The problem, it was all on someone else’s terms, I had no time for me and all this hustle and grind that I had subscribed to finally sat me on my ass.
My exhausted body packed up, and said enough is enough and I was forced to STOP.
Which let me tell you, as a former nutritionist and a practising PT/yogi instructor, now in the midst of her very own health crisis, sent me on a spiral of SHAME, guilt and embarrassment, that filled every ounce of my being. Here, I was someone who had studied nutrition and exercise for almost all of my adult life, having a very serious health crisis.
Sure over the years my weight had gone up and down, and as a teenager, like many girls, my weight was something I thought about and agonised over a lot.
In fact, it was the whole reason I entered the health industry in the first place. But, I’m going to be brutally honest and vulnerable here. In all my years working as a PT and nutritionist, I just hadn’t quite been able to find the “secret” that would keep the weight off for good.
It felt like I was always watching what I ate, not fully enjoying living, even avoiding social situations at times, for fear of being presented with food I “shouldn’t be eating”
and most certainly not wanting to drink the empty calories contained in alcohol. I yo yo’d my years, between being super fit, over-exercising, being super strict with food, then letting the reigns go a little, to suddenly find myself an extra 5-10 kilos overweight again. I knew what I needed to do each time I gained weight and I did it, but to be honest, I had no balance, it felt like I was living this all or nothing life, on a rollercoaster of ups and downs, constantly at war with myself and my body. Until, finally I wasn’t able to win, I’d pushed my body to it’s limit and now I was broken. I was gaining weight despite following my normal methods to get back in shape. I was puffy, I had excess tummy fat that I’d never had before. I had no energy, my joints ached and I was struggling to keep up my normal exercise regime. “What the hell was wrong with me?” To add insult to injury, I developed food allergies, daily headaches, my tummy went between constipation and diarrhoea, I had a constant white coating on my tongue, a lump in my throat that was just always there and I was plagued with daily anxiety and brain fog. I felt completely out of control.
I remember lying awake at night, unable to sleep coupled with a fear that if I did sleep, I may not wake up. I was often overcome by a tightness in my chest, that felt like I had to consciously make an effort to take each breath. My nervous system, my immune system and my digestive system were all in a state of severe distress. Unable to sleep most nights, tired but wired constantly in fight or flight mode. I felt helpless. Can you believe I was even hospitalised on 3-4 occasions for symptoms of allergic reactions, secondary to the leaky gut I developed. My condition was serious.

This was no way to live
and I knew something had to change.
The funny thing was, that at the time all of this occurred I was actually studying to become a health coach and although what I endured was one of the hardest times of my life, I innately knew, that I what I was going through, was occurring at the exact time I needed it. It was the universe’s way of saying “you need to slow down my darling, and if you want to truly heal and teach others to do the same, then the only way you will learn how, is if we make you completely stop” I got the lesson and it was in the depths of my darkest moments that I made a promise that if I healed myself from this, then I would make it my mission to help others do the same.
I completely overhauled my life, Health coaching the S#*t out of it. I quit my job because it no longer lit me up, I followed a strict elimination diet, to heal my gut, I became dedicated to a daily meditation practise and I said goodbye to my incessant doing and slowly I began to heal, I got my energy back and I came out of the fog and haze I’d been in for so long.
Throughout my journey I realised in order to live a vibrant fulfilling life, a life that truly lit me up and got me excited to get out of bed every day and show up, that I had to have balance in all areas of my life.
I learnt that I had to I choose love over fear, and live every day from my heart. I also learnt to honour myself and I no longer believe in the hustle as a lifestyle to subscribe too. I now have a life I don’t need to escape from anymore and you can have that too. It all starts with you Beautiful, tuning into the internal wisdom you have that can bring you back to balance.
NO MORE QUICK FIXES…. They don’t work. I know because I’ve done them all. Commit to healing yourself naturally and authentically.
My intention is to empower, inspire and educate you in all areas of your life, health, wealth and love. To show you how you can heal your stressed out nervous and digestive systems naturally and break free from the hustle mentality.
So beautiful if any of this resonates with you and you are ready to look after yourself, to learn how to nourish and feed you body mind and soul and create a fabulously healthy, balanced nourished and free life bursting with love.
Then I am here to help you. You beautiful woman, are worthy of so much more. You deserve to be truly healthy wealthy and fabulous in mind, body and soul